
  • Letters


    November 7, 2003

    Candidates support clemency? I feel it is an important stipulation for potential endorsers to ask whether the presidential candidate supports clemency for American Indian Movement activist Leonard Peltier. So far, Carol Moseley Braun, former senator from...

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  • Editorials


    November 7, 2003

    Fuzzy economics George W. Bush’s claim that his tax cuts to the super-rich are what’s behind the “spectacular” economic growth of 7.2 percent from July-September is fuzzy economics. The fact is there are two ways to...

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  • Blame profits, not workers, for high health costs

    Blame profits, not workers, for high health costs

    November 7, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    The issue of corporate greed in health care is beginning to make its way into the mass media, thanks in good part to the blatant price-gouging of the pharmaceutical companies.

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  • Pratt & Whitney workers fight to save jobs

    Pratt & Whitney workers fight to save jobs

    November 7, 2003

    Workers’ correspondence International Association of Machinists sisters and brothers at the profitable United Technologies Corporation’s Pratt & Whitney plant in Connecticut are fighting hard for their jobs. On Oct. 3, materials workers at Pratt voted “no”...

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  • City workers rally for justice

    City workers rally for justice

    November 7, 2003

    NEW YORK – This city’s workers have not had a raise in over two years and need one now to pay the rent and put food on the table, declared Lillian Roberts, executive director of American...

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