
  • Working families victorious in Senate

    Working families victorious in Senate

    September 19, 2003

    PITTSBURGH, Pa. – The “public be damned” attitude of the Bush administration was dealt a set back Sept. 10, when the Senate voted 54-45 to maintain the current overtime pay laws covering eight million U.S. workers....

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  • Support grows for probe on Iraq evidence

    Support grows for probe on Iraq evidence

    September 19, 2003

    A year after President Bush officially declared his preemptive, first-strike doctrine on Sept. 17, 2002, a major battle is brewing in Congress to challenge some of the foundations of that policy: U.S. intelligence operations and their...

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  • Court delays recall, upholds voting rights

    Court delays recall, upholds voting rights

    September 19, 2003

    LOS ANGELES – Ultra-right Republican plans to seize control of this state ran into a roadblock when an appeals court Sept. 15 ordered postponement of California’s recall election. A three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court...

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  • 10,000 marchers back Yale strikers

    10,000 marchers back Yale strikers

    September 19, 2003

    New Haven police arrest 100 NEW HAVEN, Conn. – Downtown New Haven came to a standstill Sept. 13 as the nation’s labor movement turned out more than 10,000 union members from the Northeast and as far...

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  • A day that made me a peacenik

    A day that made me a peacenik

    September 12, 2003

    It was 58 years ago – Aug. 6, 1945 – and I was on the verge of turning 16. I remember the day vividly. In Milwaukee, it had been a warm, but pleasant summer day, and...

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