
  • King anniversary marchers pledge voter drive

    King anniversary marchers pledge voter drive

    August 29, 2003

    WASHINGTON – In an atmosphere charged by the “war on terror” and the Bush administration’s severe curtailments of civil rights, thousands of people marched and rallied here Aug. 23 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the...

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  • Verizon negotiations heat up

    Verizon negotiations heat up

    August 29, 2003

    As of this writing negotiations are continuing between the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), representing almost 80,000 workers, and telecommunications giant Verizon Communications. Focus has shifted to national...

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  • Puget Sound challenges White House

    Puget Sound challenges White House

    August 29, 2003

    SEATTLE, Wash. – President George W. Bush met some heated opposition when he visited the Puget Sound region last week, posturing about his weak environmental policies and raising $1.7 million for his reelection campaign at a...

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  • Families demand, Bring em home!

    Families demand, Bring em home!

    August 29, 2003

    CRAWFORD, Texas – Something is new in the fight against President Bush’s military aggressions in the Middle East. It is the growing resistance of the military men and women as expressed by their families here at...

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  • Church worker dispute resolved

    Church worker dispute resolved

    August 29, 2003

    Almost two months after five south Texas church workers were fired for unionizing, the ensuing dispute between the United Farm Workers (UFW) union and the Catholic Diocese of Brownsville has been partially resolved. On June 18...

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