
  • AFL-CIO 2004 election plans

    AFL-CIO 2004 election plans

    August 15, 2003

    CHICAGO – The City of Big Shoulders was an appropriate place for the mid-year AFL-CIO Executive Council meeting Aug. 5-6. Here organized labor, deliberately and with little fanfare, began the heavy lifting of coordinating and mobilizing...

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  • Texans are getting fired up!

    Texans are getting fired up!

    August 15, 2003

    When Texas progressives gather together they often complain. And yet, at a recent Dallas meeting of the North Texas Friends of the People’s Weekly World, participants couldn’t help but note a number of positive developments in...

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  • August 15, 2003

    OAKLAND – While front-running Republican gubernatorial contender Arnold Schwarzenegger dominates the airways with cute sound bites, organized labor and other people’s movements are vigorously gathering their forces to oppose California’s special recall election Oct. 7. “This...

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  • The Thrill and the Agony

    The Thrill and the Agony

    August 8, 2003 By Chas Walker

    Royals jack up the Sox, 13-9 At the All-Star Break in mid-July, the Kansas City Royals were seven games ahead of the Chicago White Sox in the race for first place of the American League Central...

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  • Letters


    August 8, 2003

    Hepburn’s labor solidarity The recent death of Katharine Hepburn reminded me of her solidarity with striking Box Tree Restaurant workers on Manhattan’s East 49th Street back in the 1990s. I found the following on the internet:...

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