
  • BBC spotlights Israels WMDs

    BBC spotlights Israels WMDs

    July 25, 2003

    In a recent 50-minute television documentary entitled, “Israel’s Secret Weapons,” the British Broadcasting Corp.’s World Service points its finger at Israel’s nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons of mass destruction. The BBC documentary opens with four questions:...

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  • Unthinkable  Undrinkable. Stop the killing, boycott Coke

    Unthinkable Undrinkable. Stop the killing, boycott Coke

    July 25, 2003

    “We are doing this to save the lives of our members,” declared Colombian union leader Javier Luis Correa, launching an international boycott of Coca-Cola products July 22. Correa, president of Colombia’s National Union of Food Industry...

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  • Dominican impoverishment deepens

    Dominican impoverishment deepens

    July 25, 2003

    SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic – Dominicans are much poorer today than six months ago. The devastating effects of the financial crisis and the devaluation of the peso in the first half of 2003 have dramatically reduced...

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  • Town meetings oppose Bush drug plan

    Town meetings oppose Bush drug plan

    July 25, 2003

    NEW HAVEN, Conn. – Unable to get heard on the floor of the House, over 70 members of Congress convened town hall meetings in their home districts over the weekend to expose the truth about the...

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  • Rubber workers fight for jobs, families

    Rubber workers fight for jobs, families

    July 25, 2003

    PITTSBURGH – Until there is a flat or a broken belt, usually in the dead of winter, middle of nowhere, tires or rubber belts are not even a blip on the radar. Unless, that is, you’re...

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