
  • Resistance to Indian troops in Iraq grows

    Resistance to Indian troops in Iraq grows

    July 1, 2003

    NEW DELHI – As the Indian government contemplates sending troops to Iraq, strong opposition is building up to the move that peace activists term a “historic crime.” The United States has been urging India to dispatch...

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  • Pinochet henchmen to be prosecuted

    Pinochet henchmen to be prosecuted

    July 1, 2003

    SANTIAGO DE CHILE – In a stunning decision by Chile’s Minister of Justice Juan Guzman, five Pinochet henchmen will be prosecuted for the 1976 kidnappings and murders of Chilean Communist Party leaders, known as the Conferencia...

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  • Protest greets Bush at fat cat banquet

    Protest greets Bush at fat cat banquet

    July 1, 2003

    NEW YORK – Thousands of activists, stretching from 52nd to 48th streets in mid-Manhattan, protested outside of George Bush’s $2,000-a-plate campaign fundraiser at the Sheraton Hotel here, June 23. The protesters drew attention to the Bush...

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  • JwJ launches ‘season of struggle’

    JwJ launches ‘season of struggle’

    July 1, 2003

    MIAMI, Fla. – Launching a “season of struggle,” participants at the annual Jobs with Justice (JwJ) meeting here signed on to a jam-packed agenda of protest, mobilization and education for this fall. They emphasized four key...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    July 1, 2003

    SACRAMENTO, Calif.: Feed the hungry or the corporations? Bill Camp, executive secretary of the Sacramento AFL-CIO, led 1,000 workers, environmentalists, and food activists through city streets to the State Capitol steps protesting the invitation-only, U.S. government-sponsored...

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