
  • The May unemployment report: No rosy colors

    The May unemployment report: No rosy colors

    June 12, 2003

    The U.S. Labor Department said that 9.0 million workers were counted among the officially unemployed in May, bringing the official unemployment rate to 6.1 percent, the highest since July 1994. When the 4.8 million men and...

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  • Steel union sounds alarm on jobs

    Steel union sounds alarm on jobs

    June 12, 2003

    “Unless there is a strong Democratic (Party) case for revitalizing manufacturing, there’s a good chance George Bush will clean the Democrats’ clock,” declared Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers of America (USWA). Gerard was speaking...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    June 12, 2003

    Cuba-Africa: Over 25,000 Africans educated in Cuba In the last 30 years, over 25,000 African young people have been educated in Cuba and another 3,000 are now studying there, including 1,000 in medical school. In a...

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  • Perus teachers spark nationwide struggle

    Perus teachers spark nationwide struggle

    June 12, 2003

    Despite having reached a tentative agreement, Nilvar Lopez, general secretary of the Peruvian teachers union (SUTEP), said a nationwide strike will continue until the union ratifies the new collective bargaining agreement. Minister of Education Gerardo Ayzanoa...

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  • Action needed on bills to end Cuba travel ban

    Action needed on bills to end Cuba travel ban

    June 12, 2003

    While aggression against Cuba reached a new low when Bush administration officials expelled 14 Cuban diplomats on allegations of espionage, very important advances are being made in ending the embargo. Members of Congress recently introduced bills...

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