
  • Student fast wins workers rights

    Student fast wins workers rights

    June 6, 2003

    Six Stanford students ended a seven-day fast June 4 and celebrated victory in their campaign to win better conditions and more respect for university workers. The fasters had been supported by nearly 300 “solidarity fasters” and...

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  • Philadelphia calls for Patriot Act repeal

    Philadelphia calls for Patriot Act repeal

    June 6, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA - By a vote of 13-3, Philadelphia City Council joined 115 other local and state governments around the country to call for the repeal of the USA Patriot Act, May 29. Introduced by Councilman Angel...

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  • Protests and splits mark G8 summit

    Protests and splits mark G8 summit

    June 6, 2003 By Susan Webb

    President Bush’s effort to win world support for his unilateral, superpower policies ran into resistance in the Group of 8 (G8) meeting and on the streets outside. The G8 represents the heads of the world’s richest...

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  • Teach-ins say: Peace now! Dump Bush!

    Teach-ins say: Peace now! Dump Bush!

    June 6, 2003

    WASHINGTON – The nation’s capital was abuzz last week as peace activists from around the country pondered the next steps in the fight against the Bush doctrine of preemptive war at teach-ins organized by the Tikkun...

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  • Bush tax cut leaves 16 million kids behind

    Bush tax cut leaves 16 million kids behind

    June 6, 2003

    CHICAGO – With eyes as big as headlights, Tatiana Graves is the center of the world to her doting family. It’s hard to imagine anyone leaving this chubby-cheeked cherub behind. But the 5-year-old is one of...

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