
  • Job safety worsens under Bush

    Job safety worsens under Bush

    May 9, 2003 By Press Associates Inc.

    Job safety and health under the Bush administration features less enforcement and increased big business clout, a new AFL-CIO report titled Death on the Job: A Toll of Neglect, says. The report was released as unions...

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  • Philly City Council urges healthcare vote

    Philly City Council urges healthcare vote

    May 9, 2003

    On May 1 the Philadelphia City Council unanimously passed a resolution calling for a ballot referendum on November 4, 2003, for an addition to the City Charter requiring the Department of Health to prepare a plan...

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  • Illinois budget crisis: What to do?

    Illinois budget crisis: What to do?

    May 9, 2003

    CHICAGO – “The Illinois budget crisis: Taking action to protect people’s needs” will be the theme of a forum to be held Thursday, May 15. Currently the State of Illinois faces a budget deficit of nearly...

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  • May Day around the world

    May Day around the world

    May 9, 2003

    Iraq: Iraqi communists marked May Day for the first time in many decades, marching in central Baghdad under giant banners calling for security, democracy and peace in their country. The demonstration, which started in historic Fardus...

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  • Vieques: Celebration and commitment

    Vieques: Celebration and commitment

    May 9, 2003

    Hundreds of people stood waiting outside the gates of Camp Garcia, the U.S. Navy’s firing zone in the island municipality of Vieques. They were waiting until 12:01 AM, May 1, the first full day when the...

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