
  • Cesar Chavez: A legacy for peace, justice and non-violence

    Cesar Chavez: A legacy for peace, justice and non-violence

    March 27, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    LOS ANGELES – As protests against the war in Iraq grow across our nation, it is not uncommon for leaders to invoke the name of Cesar Chavez, the founding president of the United Farm Workers.

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    March 27, 2003

    AROUND THE COUNTRY: A search of newspapers and peace, justice and labor organization websites revealed that events took place in at least 312 cities, towns, townships and communities in over 30 states on March 20, the...

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  • Texas educators: No cuts for kids!

    Texas educators: No cuts for kids!

    March 27, 2003

    AUSTIN, Texas – About 1,000 public school teachers and their supporters rallied at the Capitol here March 17 to stop the cuts in public education funding proposed by the business lobby and the right-wing extremists who...

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  • Stop the war on our people

    Stop the war on our people

    March 27, 2003

    SHAQLAWA, Iraqi Kurdistan – At dawn, on Thursday, March 20, 2003, Iraq suffered what we have always feared and warned against. The U.S. forces launched their first missile attack on Iraq, signaling the breakout of the...

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  • World leaders: Iraq war unjustified

    World leaders: Iraq war unjustified

    March 22, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    The decision by George W. Bush to launch a preemptive military strike against Iraq brought angry protests from apprehensive governments around the world.

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