
  • AFL-CIO renews health care campaign

    AFL-CIO renews health care campaign

    March 20, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    After a long silence, the AFL-CIO has weighed in on the campaign for comprehensive health care reform. In their resolution, “Renewing the Drive for Comprehensive Health Care Reform,” the February meeting of the AFL-CIO executive council...

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  • Womens groups blast Senate abortion vote

    Womens groups blast Senate abortion vote

    March 20, 2003

    After the Senate’s March 13 vote in favor of a ban on so-called “partial birth” abortions, outraged women’s rights groups vowed to fight the law, and pointed to the importance of court nominees. National Organization for...

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  • Child poverty and the Bush budget

    Child poverty and the Bush budget

    March 20, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    Nowhere is the fakery of “compassionate conservatism” better exposed than in George W. Bush’s 2004 budget proposals affecting the children in low-income families

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  • Civil rights lawyer: Patriot Act must go

    Civil rights lawyer: Patriot Act must go

    March 20, 2003

    MILWAUKEE – Bruce Finerty, a Chicago attorney and head of the Chicago chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, spoke here to an overflow audience of about 100 people recently on the need for the public to...

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  • Actors Guild warns against blacklisting

    Actors Guild warns against blacklisting

    March 14, 2003

    LOS ANGELES (AP) – The entertainment industry must not blacklist people who speak out against war with Iraq, the Screen Actors Guild said last week. “Some have recently suggested that well-known individuals who express ‘unacceptable’ views...

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