
  • National Clips

    National Clips

    August 22, 2003

    Petoskey, Mich.:Nurses demand respect, patient care About 280 nurses, members of Teamsters Local 406 at Northern Michigan Hospital (NMH), have been on strike since Nov. 14 to improve wages, pensions, working conditions, nurse-patient ratios, and other...

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  • Tucson protests Bush visit

    Tucson protests Bush visit

    August 22, 2003

    TUCSON, Ariz. – Over 1,700 spirited demonstrators greeted President George W. Bush when he arrived for a brief visit to the area on Aug. 11. Bush came to Tucson to push the administration’s misnamed “Healthy Forest...

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  • Bush lies, who dies?

    Bush lies, who dies?

    August 22, 2003

    It’s time to lobby your congressional representative and senators to demand that they support an independent investigation of Bush’s lies about the reasons for waging war on Iraq. United for Peace and Justice, a national coalition...

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  • Auto workers say open the books

    Auto workers say open the books

    August 15, 2003

    DETROIT – As the U.S. economy lurches toward the end of its third year of recession, workers everywhere are struggling to keep ends together, autoworkers no less than anyone else. Contract talks between the United Auto...

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  • Leaders urge no vote on Prop. 54

    Leaders urge no vote on Prop. 54

    August 15, 2003

    LOS ANGELES – Civil rights leaders and public officials announced their opposition to Proposition 54 at an Aug. 12 press conference on the steps of City Hall here. Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn called Prop. 54...

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