
  • Unions challenge Colombian president

    Unions challenge Colombian president

    February 20, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) General Secretary Guy Ryder, on Feb. 7, asked Colombian President Alvaro Uribe to take action to protect human and trade union rights and to bring those who violate them...

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  • Bolivians demand presidents resignation

    Bolivians demand presidents resignation

    February 20, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    Thousands of Bolivians heeded the call of trade unions for a 48-hour general strike Feb. 17-18, to demand the resignation of President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada. They were protesting the government’s handling of the country’s worsening...

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  • British MP speaks to labor

    British MP speaks to labor

    February 20, 2003

    SAN FRANCISCO – The featured speaker at a labor breakfast at San Francisco’s longshore union hall was British Member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn, Feb. 17. A former public workers union leader, Corbyn is now a steering...

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  • 300,000 in San Francisco: Yes to inspections

    300,000 in San Francisco: Yes to inspections

    February 20, 2003

    SAN FRANCISCO – “Give inspections a chance to work” was the refrain heard from speakers and marchers as they poured into Civic Center Plaza here, Feb. 16, in the biggest demonstration in memory – 300,000 strong....

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  • Focus now on Congress to stop war

    Focus now on Congress to stop war

    February 20, 2003 By Susan Webb

    The focus of the nationwide grassroots movement to stop a war on Iraq is now shifting to Congress. Key actions under way include a Feb. 26 Virtual March on Washington and a massive nationwide leafleting and...

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