
  • Airline employees face extortion

    Airline employees face extortion

    February 14, 2003

    Talking with airline employees in America can be an unsettling experience right now. They are being pushed for salary and work-rule concessions under threat of losing their jobs. At least one major company, American Airlines, is...

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  • International Notes

    International Notes

    February 14, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    Communist & workers parties say: No war! Over 60 communist and workers parties from around the world, including the CPUSA, have joined in signing an Appeal against the Aggressive War on Iraq, initiated by the Communist...

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  • France, Germany propose alternative to war

    France, Germany propose alternative to war

    February 14, 2003

    CHICAGO – Indicating the widening gulf between the Bush administration and much of the nation and world over the administration’s drive to war, a leading Republican senator is saying the U.S. should let Iraq weapons inspections...

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  • Peace leader: Most Israelis want peace

    Peace leader: Most Israelis want peace

    February 14, 2003 By Susan Webb

    PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil – Most Israelis want a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, and the Bush administration’s policies are “very unhelpful,” Galia Golan, a leader of Peace Now, Israel’s oldest and largest mass peace movement,...

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  • International Criminal Court to open

    International Criminal Court to open

    February 14, 2003

    The International Criminal Court (ICC) will begin operations on March 11, despite the Bush administration’s worst fears. Under the Clinton administration the United States had signed the Rome Statute, which formally began preparations for the formation...

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