
  • Hundreds protest at INS

    Hundreds protest at INS

    January 16, 2003

    CHICAGO – Several hundred Chicagoans rallied in front of the office of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service here Jan. 10 to protest the heavy-handed methods used by the government with people from Middle Eastern nations...

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  • Corporate militarism on the rise in Colombia

    Corporate militarism on the rise in Colombia

    January 16, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    On December 31, 2002, Alfredo Porras Rueda was detained by the Colombian government. In a televised statement hours later, General Jairo Duvan Pineda, commander of the Fifth Division of the Colombian Army, accused Rueda of being...

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  • Of Lungos & Seoritos: A Colombian view of Venezuela

    Of Lungos & Seoritos: A Colombian view of Venezuela

    January 16, 2003

    At the petroleum refinery of Barrancabermeja the workers who are consigned to hard manual labor are called “lungos.” There are a lot of them and they earn very little. They are almost all temporary laborers and...

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  • Chicago protest greets Bush

    Chicago protest greets Bush

    January 10, 2003

    CHICAGO – A spirited crowd of 300 demonstrators braved the bitter cold here to protest President Bush’s drive toward war with Iraq. The occasion was Bush’s presence before an audience of cheering businessmen at the elite...

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  • AFL-CIO joins fight for economic stimulus

    AFL-CIO joins fight for economic stimulus

    January 10, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    The AFL-CIO jumped into the battle for a meaningful stimulus program on Jan. 6 when it issued its “Agenda to Create Jobs and Lift the Economy.”

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