
  • The best support for the troops is to bring them home

    The best support for the troops is to bring them home

    April 3, 2003

    Opinion Since the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration and its supporters in the media have been working overtime perpetuating an old myth that protesting a war is unpatriotic and against our...

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  • Money needed to stop SARS

    Money needed to stop SARS

    April 3, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    Not far below the media war-hype radar, an international worry is mounting over Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), a dangerous respiratory disease.

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  • Conyers blasts Bush, Ashcroft

    Conyers blasts Bush, Ashcroft

    April 3, 2003

    CHICAGO – In his speech to the March 1 Rally to Reclaim Our Rights, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, blasted President Bush’s drive to war with Iraq and warned of...

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  • Dont spend a nickel on a Mt. Olive pickle

    Dont spend a nickel on a Mt. Olive pickle

    April 3, 2003

    TOLEDO, Ohio – “Don’t spend a nickel on a Mt. Olive pickle!” shouted the crowd of over 400 people as they marched down Broadway Avenue here. Students, community members, and organized labor gathered to commemorate the...

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  • Bush takes aim at overtime pay

    Bush takes aim at overtime pay

    April 3, 2003

    Millions of American workers will be getting a shorter paycheck and a longer work week if the Bush administration’s proposed changes to Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) regulations are carried out. The new guidelines would enable...

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