
  • 5,000 workers on strike at Yale

    5,000 workers on strike at Yale

    March 7, 2003

    New Haven, Conn. – Five thousand enthusiastic workers at Yale University including cooks, janitors, graduate student teachers, secretaries and lab technicians are making history with their one-week strike. The workers, from four unions, have filled city...

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  • Interfaith march against war

    Interfaith march against war

    March 7, 2003

    CHICAGO – Singing “peace, salaam, shalom” 2,000 clergy and lay worshipers solemnly paraded through the city’s Gold Coast on Feb. 23 to bear witness to the casualties of a U.S. pre-emptive war on Iraq. The action...

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  • Llamadas inundan a Washington: NO A LA GUERRA!

    Llamadas inundan a Washington: NO A LA GUERRA!

    February 28, 2003 By Susan Webb

    “Como un ciudadano norteamericano con una ascendencia en este continente que antecede la Guerra Revolucionario, yo quiero registrar mi plena oposición a cualquier tipo de ataque preventivo contra Irak o cualquier otra nación soberana.” Este fue...

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  • Unions challenge Bush on war, civil liberties, economy

    Unions challenge Bush on war, civil liberties, economy

    February 28, 2003

    DEARBORN, Mich. – Almost 200 union activists filled United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 600’s hall to hear union leaders speak out against Bush’s war on Iraq. The panel included many leaders of union locals, leaders of...

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  • Artists speak out for peace at Rock the Vote Awards

    Artists speak out for peace at Rock the Vote Awards

    February 28, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    NEW YORK – This year’s Rock the Vote Awards couldn’t have been more timely. With a stated goal of “protecting freedom of expression and empowering young people to change their world,” the group used this star-studded...

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