
  • Undocumented immigrant victory: LA City Council votes to honor Mexican IDs

    Undocumented immigrant victory: LA City Council votes to honor Mexican IDs

    June 7, 2002 By Evelina Alarcon

    LOS ANGELES – Supporters of immigrant rights won an important victory last month when the Los Angeles City Council voted 13-1 in favor a six-month trial plan to honor identification cards issued by the Mexican Consulate...

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  • Vieques activists go to trial

    Vieques activists go to trial

    June 7, 2002

    NEW YORK – The case against 42 activists who were arrested outside the United Nations while protesting the bombing of the island municipality of Vieques, Puerto Rico, by the U.S. Navy started June 3 in the...

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  • Auto workers elect new leader

    Auto workers elect new leader

    June 7, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    In his final State of the Union address, outgoing United Auto Workers (UAW) President Stephen P. Yokich called on UAW members to get actively involved in union organizing campaigns and political action and to build on...

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  • Rep. Conyers condemns Ashcroft ‘war on freedom’

    Rep. Conyers condemns Ashcroft ‘war on freedom’

    June 7, 2002

    Defenders of the Bill of Rights charged this week that Attorney General John Ashcroft’s new FBI guidelines, announced May 30, open the door for wider FBI spying on law-abiding people, spreading fear and intimidation while doing...

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  • Letters


    May 31, 2002

    A two-state peace I am an avid reader and supporter of your newspaper. Your reporting on the events taking place in the West Bank is truly appreciated for its honest stand on the actual happenings. I...

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