Free the Cuban Five
January 7, 2003The following is a New Year greeting from Ramon Labañino Salazar, one of the Cuban Five. We would like to let you know how grateful we are, for all the beautiful and outstanding jobs you are...
Read moreIndian secularism suffers blow in Gujarat elections
January 7, 2003AHMDABAD, Gujarat – “The BJP’s victory is a setback for the cause of secular democracy,” said D. Raja, leader of the Communist Party of India. The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won 127 seats, gaining...
Read moreMiddle Eastern, Muslim immigrants detained in mass INS round-up
January 7, 2003Hundreds of men from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and the Sudan were detained in Southern California jails after coming forward to comply with a new rule to register with immigration authorities, Dec. 18.
Read moreIts still the economy
January 7, 2003Speculation has been rampant over why President Bush gave the boot to Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill. We are told that O’Neill had to go because his shoot-from-the-hip remarks antagonized key members of Congress and the powers...
Read moreFamilies welcome Kissinger departure, ask why
January 7, 2003Henry Kissinger’s abrupt resignation from the panel assigned to investigate the Sept. 11 attacks was greeted by families of the over 3,000 victims who died. But even so they expressed anger that he put his clients’...
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