
  • AIG: It’s obscene

    AIG: It’s obscene

    March 18, 2009

    Gregory Robinson is dead. Shot in a car. He threw himself on a baby in the back seat while the gun fired from an unknown assailant. He was only 14. His family said he died a...

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  • A cure for todays Black depression

    A cure for todays Black depression

    March 17, 2009

    We knew that 2009 would be a historic year, with the inauguration of the first African American president and the deepening of what is likely to be the most serious fiscal crisis since the Great Depression....

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  • COMMENTARY Denial is more than a river: The anti-immigration lobby exposed

    COMMENTARY Denial is more than a river: The anti-immigration lobby exposed

    March 14, 2009 By Teresa Albano

    The Southern Poverty Law Center released a bombshell of a report last month entitled “The Nativist Lobby, Three Faces of Intolerance.” The report is a bombshell because it ties three leading “immigration reduction” groups to a...

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  • The anguish of developed capitalism

    The anguish of developed capitalism

    March 14, 2009

    Prensa Latina -- Last Monday the 9th, like all the rest, was a marvelous day of contradictions for developed capitalism in the midst of its incurable crisis. That day, the British news agency Reuters, not suspected...

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  • Editorial: The battle over health care

    Editorial: The battle over health care

    March 13, 2009

    The White House health care reform summit March 5 set a new tone and scope for the struggle to fix our broken system. Health care advocates had to spend the past eight years battling Bush moves...

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