
  • Letters – August 16, 2008

    Letters – August 16, 2008

    August 16, 2008

    People’s Daily World I’ve been a reader and supporter of this newspaper for years and always look forward to every issue. There is nothing like a “real” newspaper, turning the pages, looking over the headlines and...

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  • Health care: truths and struggles

    Health care: truths and struggles

    August 16, 2008

    In September 2004, this newspaper issued a pamphlet called “Medicare For All! A Guide to Single Payer National Health Insurance.” It explained what “single-payer” is and why so many organizations, health professionals and politicians see it...

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  • Are state troopers spying on you?

    Are state troopers spying on you?

    August 15, 2008

    BALTIMORE -- Imagine getting a call from the Maryland American Civil Liberties Union to inform you that the Maryland State Police’s Homeland Security and Intelligence Division entered your name in the “Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking...

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  • The Boomers rise again!

    The Boomers rise again!

    August 14, 2008

    Opinion Remember those scenes of hundreds of thousands of young Americans in protest against the Vietnam war, racial oppression, and the draft? Remember singing Bob Dylan’s, “The Times They Are A Changing” and believing every word?...

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  • Elections 08: embracing the moment

    Elections 08: embracing the moment

    August 2, 2008 By Sam Webb

    The expected presidential nomination of Barack Obama is a path breaking and historic achievement from many standpoints, not least the struggle for equality and against racism. Obama’s nomination leaves an enduring mark on every aspect of...

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