
  • Who is Ron Paul?

    Who is Ron Paul?

    November 30, 2007

    It is relatively easy to see why far-right presidential candidate Ron Paul of Texas is driving some of the other Republicans crazy. He clearly won the straw poll after their first debate. On Nov. 5, he...

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  • Australian elections: historic victory for labor movement

    Australian elections: historic victory for labor movement

    November 28, 2007

    News Analysis The decisive defeat of the right-wing Coalition government in the Nov. 24 federal elections was a great victory for the labor movement, for the thousands of rank-and-file trade unionists and members of the Australian...

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  • Chavez warns of plans to destabilize Venezuela

    Chavez warns of plans to destabilize Venezuela

    November 28, 2007

    MERIDA, Venezuela — President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has warned of new plans to destabilize the country after the national referendum set for next Sunday, Dec. 2. He also said he has new evidence of attempts...

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  • Communists call for ouster of far right

    Communists call for ouster of far right

    November 16, 2007

    NEW YORK — Members of the Communist Party USA national committee meeting here Nov. 10 heard Sam Webb, the party’s chairman, say that “in the struggle against the ultra-right we are at the cusp of a...

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  • Unite against racism

    Unite against racism

    November 2, 2007

    Commentary Racist provocations and violence are on the rise and a cause for great concern. Racism represents a grave danger to our nation. James Watson, awarded a Nobel Prize 50 years ago for DNA research, prompted...

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