
  • OPINION: 10 things to consider in the voting booth

    OPINION: 10 things to consider in the voting booth

    November 4, 2008 By Norman Markowitz

    1. The world is quite likely on the brink of a global depression. “Free market” economic policies are the key to understanding this crisis. Barack Obama has rejected these policies. John McCain now blames individuals, greedy...

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  • Letters: November 1, 2008

    Letters: November 1, 2008

    November 1, 2008

    Redistribution? That’s capitalism! John McCain and Sarah Palin are giving socialism a bad name! They describe socialism as a system to redistribute the wealth. Give me a break! It’s capitalism that has redistributed more wealth than...

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  • EDITORIAL: Reclaiming our country

    EDITORIAL: Reclaiming our country

    November 1, 2008

    The United States now stands at one of the most significant crossroads in our history. The choice before voters on Nov. 4 is crystal clear: Continue the catastrophic slide of the last eight years into the...

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  • What is voter fraud?

    What is voter fraud?

    October 30, 2008

    During the last presidential debate, Republican nominee John McCain made the following remark: “ACORN is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the...

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  • OPINION: A contradiction  corporations on welfare complaining about socialism

    OPINION: A contradiction corporations on welfare complaining about socialism

    October 25, 2008

    John McCain has been describing Barack Obama as a “socialist” because the Illinois senator would impose higher taxes on the wealthy than on the working class and poor. McCain says this amounts to an “unacceptable” redistribution...

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