
  • CPUSA Statement in Response to Bush Immigration Speech

    CPUSA Statement in Response to Bush Immigration Speech

    May 17, 2006

    George W. Bush’s speech to the nation on May 15, 2006 highlighting deployment of the National Guard to the Mexican border represents an aggressive policy of racist, anti-immigrant demonization and hysteria.

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  • Hating Barry Bonds

    Hating Barry Bonds

    May 17, 2006

    Hating Barry Bonds has become a national passion—or so the very sportswriters who have whipped up this hate tell us. What they don’t tell us is that this passion is prevalent almost exclusively among a few...

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  • Immigration compromise bill is a fraud

    Immigration compromise bill is a fraud

    May 12, 2006

    When the Senate adjourned without acting on immigration legislation on April 7, the so-called Hagel-Martinez compromise bill was left hanging. Some supporters of immigrant rights saw this as a setback. But today many say the provisions...

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  • Causes of the current oil price shocks

    Causes of the current oil price shocks

    May 5, 2006

    Economists attending an April energy conference sponsored by Johns Hopkins University were in general agreement that a “slow-motion supply shock amounting now to a 2 million barrel per day aggregate disruption” was the chief cause of...

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  • Senate Republicans feel street heat

    Senate Republicans feel street heat

    May 5, 2006

    The massive immigrant rights demonstrations, work stoppages, boycotts and voter registration efforts, embraced by millions of immigrants and their supporters from coast to coast May 1, have sent a powerful message to Congress: We are Americans...

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