
  • Veterans feeling Washingtons neglect

    Veterans feeling Washingtons neglect

    March 3, 2006

    Commentary As more and more soldiers return from Iraq they are discovering help is limited. When dealing with the stress of returning to everyday life, many feel the Bush administration has failed to prioritize veterans services....

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  • Palestinians face punishment for election choice

    Palestinians face punishment for election choice

    March 3, 2006

    NewsAnalysis The victory of Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement, in the Palestinian legislative elections Jan. 25 has precipitated a new stage in the U.S.-Israeli policy of doling out short rations to the Palestinian Authority so as...

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  • Einstein in the hood. BOOK REVIEW: Einstein on Race and Racism.

    Einstein in the hood. BOOK REVIEW: Einstein on Race and Racism.

    February 24, 2006 By Special to People’s World

    Princeton was a southern town in northern gown. Segregation of Blacks from whites was widely practiced and enforced. Einstein, a German-born Jew and naturalized American citizen, was acutely aware of what racism is and does, and...

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  • Bushs phony moralism. BOOK REVIEW: With God On Their Side.

    Bushs phony moralism. BOOK REVIEW: With God On Their Side.

    February 24, 2006

    Today Americans are faced with probably the greatest threat to the separation of religion and government in our nation’s history. This is a result of the political power grab by the Christian right in alliance with...

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  • Bedbugs!


    February 24, 2006

    In yet another serious episode in the current national outbreak of bedbugs, Congress today approved renewal of TUBA (the Terrorists Under the Bed Act), legally mandating warrantless electronic monitors, or “bugs,” in “every bed, cot, bunk,...

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