
  • In remembrance: Women who died from illegal and unsafe abortions

    In remembrance: Women who died from illegal and unsafe abortions

    January 27, 2006

    Jan. 23 was the 33rd anniversary of the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision, which “recognized and guaranteed women’s constitutional right to control their own bodies,” as Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women,...

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  • To take back Congress, take a page from Karl Rove

    To take back Congress, take a page from Karl Rove

    January 27, 2006

    It’s all too coincidental. The former vice president of the United States of America draws considerable media coverage when he charges the current president is a threat to the republic and calls for a special, independent...

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  • Defeat anti-immigrant HR 4437

    Defeat anti-immigrant HR 4437

    January 27, 2006

    Last December, the House of Representatives passed anti-immigrant HR 4437, introduced by GOP Rep. James Sensenbrenner (Wis.). • It would make all undocumented workers felons, as well as those who help or work with them including...

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  • The looting of Iraq

    The looting of Iraq

    January 27, 2006

    A just released audit reveals vast new allegations of fraud and incompetence in the channeling of millions of dollars intended for reconstruction of Iraq in 2003 and 2004. As reported by The New York Times Jan....

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  • Take 10 to stop Alito

    Take 10 to stop Alito

    January 27, 2006

    Block out 10 minutes. Call your senator. Tell her/him to reject Judge Samuel Alito. Then call your family, friends and co-workers and ask they do the same. It is a patriotic duty. It is urgent. It...

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