
  • Etch A Sketch and the Wal-Mart phenomenon

    Etch A Sketch and the Wal-Mart phenomenon

    December 12, 2003

    Opinion Perhaps the most successful, imaginative toy of all time has been Etch A Sketch. It thrilled our youngsters – and their parents and other adults – some 40 years ago and it still does today....

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  • Oppose the Federal Marriage Amendment

    Oppose the Federal Marriage Amendment

    December 12, 2003

    Opinion Republicans don’t have solutions for the unemployment crisis (how often can you spend $180 billion on an illegal war to make the economy seem like its growing?). They have no handle on the Iraq quagmire,...

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  • Whats a CEO worth?

    Whats a CEO worth?

    December 12, 2003

    Opinion I’ve had the opportunity, just lately, to offer some insight to a couple of very young people entering the work force of the real world for the first time. Although they are pursuing two very...

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  • Mentally ill abandoned by the system

    Mentally ill abandoned by the system

    December 5, 2003

    Opinion Fifty years ago half a million of us lived in public mental health hospitals, some voluntary but many against their will. How is it that today, by some estimates, only approximately 80,000 of us are...

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  • Bush administration resurrects J. Edgar Hoover

    Bush administration resurrects J. Edgar Hoover

    December 5, 2003

    Opinion As the right wing in the U.S. is in lock-step in its attempted march back in time, using twisted reasoning for public consumption, a report from The New York Times lets us know that the...

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