
  • CEO pay still outrageous

    CEO pay still outrageous

    July 4, 2003

    Opinion You know CEO pay is still out of control when Fortune magazine puts a smiling pig in a suit on the cover and headlines its pay roundup, “Have they no shame? Their performance stank last...

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  • Affirmative action victory?

Affirmative action victory?

    Affirmative action victory? Affirmative action victory?

    July 4, 2003

    Opinion I have come across much news coverage that has been hailing the recent Supreme Court rulings as civil rights victories. However, like the decision, I am split on this. The Gratz and Grutter v. Bollinger...

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  • Counting the dead in Iraq

    Counting the dead in Iraq

    July 1, 2003

    Opinion On an almost daily basis, U.S. casualties in the invasion of Iraq continue to mount, one by one, as families grieve for their loved ones who are not coming home. Thus far, there have been...

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  • The ties that bind  democracy, the courts and you

    The ties that bind democracy, the courts and you

    July 1, 2003

    Opinion “Roe v. Wade hangs by a thread,” said National Organization for Women (NOW) President Kim Gandy, at a press conference announcing a historic march on Washington for reproductive freedom, April 25, 2004, called by leading...

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  • Bechtel the Evil

    Bechtel the Evil

    June 20, 2003

    Opinion The term “evil corporation” has become somewhat of a cliché over the years. However, in some cases this term is far too kind. The Bechtel Group of San Francisco is a prime example. George Shultz,...

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