
  • My country: the world

    My country: the world

    May 16, 2003

    Opinion Our government has declared a military victory in Iraq. As a patriot, I will not celebrate. I will mourn the dead – the American GIs, and also the Iraqi dead, of which there have been...

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  • British official resigns over Iraq

    British official resigns over Iraq

    May 16, 2003 By Susan Webb

    News Analysis The resignation of a top British cabinet member this week spotlighted the sharp struggle over who will control post-Saddam-Hussein Iraq.

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  • Independent journalists in Cuba hold ties to U.S.

    Independent journalists in Cuba hold ties to U.S.

    May 15, 2003

    News Analysis On World Press Freedom Day, May 3, journalists who have died in performance of their duties are honored. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a U.S.-based organization founded in 1981, observed the day by...

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  • Mother’s Day Proclamation of 1870

    Mother’s Day Proclamation of 1870

    May 9, 2003 By World Combined Sources

    Each year, every president since Woodrow Wilson has issued a Mother’s Day Proclamation. However, the original Mother’s Day Proclamation was made in 1870, unrelated to the holiday. Written by Julia Ward Howe, perhaps best known today...

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  • Yes, we have no bananas

    Yes, we have no bananas

    May 9, 2003

    Opinion Remember back in the dim, distant past of two months ago, when the Bush administration was posturing all over the place that UN weapons inspectors were taking too long, that Saddam was hiding many weapons...

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