
  • People united can preserve the Bill of Rights

    People united can preserve the Bill of Rights

    April 17, 2003

    News Analysis We currently live in extremely challenging times and it doesn’t look like it will become easier anytime soon. The tragedies of 9/11 happened two months after I started as Executive Director of the Connecticut...

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  • Why five Cuban heroes are U.S. political prisoners

    Why five Cuban heroes are U.S. political prisoners

    April 11, 2003

    Opinion The People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo has reported recently on the grim circumstances confronted by five Cuban men convicted of spying and imprisoned in the United States. (See PWW Feb. 22 and March 15.) Their trial...

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  • Making war is making money

    Making war is making money

    April 11, 2003

    Am I hallucinating, or is it really happening? Is it possible that Bush Inc. is now so pumped up on its own hubris that Bush, Cheney & Co. no longer care about how things look, that...

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  • CPUSA urges support for affirmative action

    CPUSA urges support for affirmative action

    March 28, 2003

    Statement This statement was issued by the National Board of the Communist Party USA after hearing a report on affirmative action at its Jan. 30 meeting

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  • Tax scams, but not for you and me

    Tax scams, but not for you and me

    March 28, 2003

    Opinion George W is pushing his latest tax giveaway to the super-rich as an “economic stimulus.” Well, I’d be “stimulated,” too, if I was going to get $16,000 out of the deal. That’s how much Bush...

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