
  • 100 days

    100 days

    April 29, 2009

    As we mark the first 100 days of the Obama presidency, it is still necessary to ask, “Is this real? Is the eight-year Bush nightmare really over?” The response, of course, is, “It’s real, but the...

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  • Clinton arrives in Lebanon

    Clinton arrives in Lebanon

    April 28, 2009

    Beyrouth, Apr 26 (Prensa Latina) US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on Lebanese citizens to vote 'away from foreign meddling, violence and fear' in 'fair and transparent' elections, upon arrival here for a brief unannounced...

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    April 24, 2009

    School has no heat! I opened the Denver Post to see a shivering child’s picture on the front page. She was from a small K-12 school in Silverton, Colo., where winter temperatures often drop below zero....

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  • Abraham Lincoln Brigade reunion to celebrate humanitarian legacy

    Abraham Lincoln Brigade reunion to celebrate humanitarian legacy

    April 23, 2009

    The Lincoln Vets represent a life-long commitment to international humanitarianism. Less well known is that their work on behalf of the 500,000 refugees of the Spanish Civil War—like the Brigadistas, border crossers—helped lay the basis of...

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  • Environmental community supports Employee Free Choice

    Environmental community supports Employee Free Choice

    April 23, 2009 By Seth Michaels

    Happy Earth Day! It’s a great time to celebrate the cooperation between the environmental movement and the union movement in building a stronger, greener economy. A big part of that collaboration is making sure that green...

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