
  • No quick fixes

    No quick fixes

    November 12, 2004

    Opinion A major tactic of the ultra-right over the last four years was courting the religious right, the “evangelical” crowd, pouring our tax money into both Black and white churches under the pretext that they are...

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  • Letters


    November 12, 2004

    Cut to the chase The only prisoners being tortured in Cuba are in Guantanamo. Viva Fidel! William BungeMontreal, CanadaReligion column needed In this past election and, through my work in the community, I have met countless...

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  • Editorials


    November 12, 2004

    Stop new witch-hunt The Internal Revenue Service sent a letter to the NAACP Oct. 8, warning the civil rights organization that it was under investigation for possible violations of its tax-exempt status. The letter complained that...

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  • Nevada volunteers came close

    Nevada volunteers came close

    November 5, 2004

    LAS VEGAS, Nev. — One of the big positives about the get-out-the-vote operation here was the number of volunteers. America Coming Together expected 300 people and 700 showed up before Nov. 2 and 1,400 on Election...

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  • Letters


    November 5, 2004

    Now what? No matter who sits in the Oval Office, our society is plagued with problems: the gap between the Haves and Have-nots grows exponentially. Our prison system is bursting at the seams with mentally ill...

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