
  • Canada phone strike solid after 4 months

    Canada phone strike solid after 4 months

    August 21, 2004

    HALIFAX, Nova Scotia – In towns and cities along Canada’s Atlantic coast, 4,300 telephone workers have been walking the picket line since April 23 to save their jobs and to win livable pensions and a better...

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  • Marriage equality fight continues

    Marriage equality fight continues

    August 21, 2004

    The fight for marriage equality took a disappointing turn Aug. 13 when the California Supreme Court nullified the nearly 4,000 marriage licenses issued to same-sex couples in that state. The 5-2 decision was met with both...

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  • Letters


    August 13, 2004

    Unequal school funding In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court addressed only racial segregation, accepting the constitutionally obvious, that U.S. public education must be equal for all. And obviously, unequal funding cannot produce equal...

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  • Editorials


    August 13, 2004

    Bloody quagmire The June “handover of power” to an interim Iraqi government has not stopped the bloodshed. The count of U.S. soldiers killed in George W. Bush’s Iraq debacle is heading toward the 1,000 mark. Bush...

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  • Texas crime lab crimes

    Texas crime lab crimes

    August 13, 2004

    HOUSTON — Nanon Williams was arrested here in 1992 when he was 17 years old for the crime of capital murder. He was sentenced to death in 1995. He is on death row today because of...

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