
  • Economic blackmail

    Economic blackmail

    March 28, 2009

    Original source: Corporate opponents of workers’ freedom to form unions repeatedly have shown they are not interested in the welfare of their employees or any of the pseudo-lofty ideals they cite while fighting the Employee Free...

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  • Solidarity from Brazil to Madagascar

    Solidarity from Brazil to Madagascar

    March 27, 2009

    If you’re in southeastern Brazil and miss the People’s Weekly World, go to the farmlands and stop by the offices of Camoneses Sem Terra, a landless peasant association. You’ll be able to read PWW articles on...

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  • Israels accidental prime minister

    Israels accidental prime minister

    March 27, 2009

    JERUSALEM (bitterlemons.org) — Ehud Olmert would probably never have made it to the office of prime minister of Israel were it not for two events related to former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon: the creation of Kadima...

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    March 20, 2009

    Elsie Fox biography Readers might be interested in a newly-published biography of Elsie Fox, Communist Party member and labor activist from the 1930s to the present. The book, “Elsie Fox, Portrait of an Activist” is a...

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  • FMLN to rebuild El Salvador

    FMLN to rebuild El Salvador

    March 20, 2009

    San Salvador, Mar 19 (Prensa Latina) After 30 years of military and political struggle, the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) won last Sunday presidential elections, paving the way for building a new El Salvador FMLN...

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