
  • Letters


    January 31, 2003

    Inhumanity of war Perhaps no bit of literature is more damning on the inhumanity of war than All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, a German war veteran, about World War I, the...

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  • Editorials


    January 31, 2003

    Rogue leader“ ... many other [suspected terrorists] have met a different fate. Put it this way … they are no longer a problem …” – George W. Bush, State of the Union address With a wink...

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  • Editorials


    January 24, 2003

    There’s still time to stop Bush’s war juggernaut George W. Bush has worked to convince us that an invasion of Iraq is inevitable and resistance futile. But consider the following: * Millions rallied against war on...

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  • Letters


    January 24, 2003

    Anti-Chavez news in the Times New York Times Caracas correspondent Francisco Toro resigned from the newspaper citing his own “conflicts of interest” and “opposition activism” in Venezuela. Narco News published Toro’s resignation letter and important background...

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  • Venezuelan update

    Venezuelan update

    January 23, 2003

    The problem the Bush administration has with Venezuela’s populist President Hugo Chavez, is his “heretical” views about the disposition of Venezuela’s oil wealth. Chavez believes that oil revenues generated by Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) should benefit...

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