
  • Editorials


    August 9, 2002

    Bush’s war for oil The warnings are coming thick and fast that the Bush administration is determined to invade Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein in a U.S.-orchestrated “regime change.” It matters not that the entire world...

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  • USWA: Workers unite

    USWA: Workers unite

    August 9, 2002

    Leo Gerard, in his keynote address to the 31st Convention of the United Steelworkers of America (USWA), proudly announced international guests from 40 unions from 17 countries. He asked them all to stand to rousing applause...

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  • Sacramento labor council supports dockers

    Sacramento labor council supports dockers

    August 9, 2002

    The Sacramento Central Labor Council adopted a resolution, July 16, protesting the intervention by Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge in the International Longshore and Warehouse Union’s contract negotiations. Delegates to the Labor Council told David Ballsley...

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  • Letters


    August 2, 2002

    Tax the rich The Washington district of the Communist Party has just finished putting together a tax reform brochure to help change the horrible tax structure we have here. It is the most regressive in the...

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  • Editorials


    August 2, 2002

    Steelworkers are fighting for their lives The Enron and WorldCom scandals expose the greed and even criminality of big business. But all the focus on crime in the corporate suites somewhat misses the bigger picture. It...

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