
  • Letters – May 17, 2008

    Letters – May 17, 2008

    May 17, 2008

    Letters More on food security As a long-time reader of PWW, I am wondering why the paper is not taking a stronger position on food security? Clearly the U.S. government and its capitalist supporters are the...

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  • Worldnotes – May 17, 2008

    Worldnotes – May 17, 2008

    May 17, 2008

    Nicaragua: Emergency food summit At a food summit in Managua May 7-8, representatives of 16 Latin American and Caribbean nations, including six heads of state, began planning for local food production and price reduction through cooperation....

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  • Pictures from May Day 2008

    Pictures from May Day 2008

    May 14, 2008

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  • Terrorist Posada parties in Miami

    Terrorist Posada parties in Miami

    May 13, 2008

    Friends of Luis Posada Carriles held a banquet May 2 at the Big Five Club in West Miami-Dade in honor of the 80-year old Cuban exile. Pedro Peñaranda, president of Municipalities of Cuba in Exile, the...

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  • Letters – May 10, 2008

    Letters – May 10, 2008

    May 10, 2008

    McCain is the enemy In the editorial “Pain at the pump” (PWW 5/3-9), “It appears the McCain-Clinton idea is more an illusion to garner votes than a solution since such savings is minimal and the cuts...

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