
  • Letters – April 12, 2008

    Letters – April 12, 2008

    April 11, 2008 By Readers

    Cuba myths Musharraf Cyprus ‘Shock Doctrine’ More on Tibet

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  • McCains Iraq Kool-Aid

    McCains Iraq Kool-Aid

    April 11, 2008

    Sen. John McCain reminds us of the cowboy pilot in the 1964 Stanley Kubrick movie (“Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb”), who jumped on a nuclear warhead and rode...

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  • Cuba innovates

    Cuba innovates

    April 11, 2008

    For Mariela Castro, interviewed recently in Italy, Cuba is “a country in revolution, in constant change.” The daughter of Cuba’s former president and head of the National Institute for Sex Education added, “Space exists to discuss...

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  • Torture memo fuels calls to close Guantanamo

    Torture memo fuels calls to close Guantanamo

    April 10, 2008

    Advocates for hundreds of detainees in George W. Bush’s “war on terror,” many held for years without criminal charges, are escalating their demands for fair trials or release of the prisoners and for closing Guantanamo and...

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  • Letters – April 5, 2008

    Letters – April 5, 2008

    April 4, 2008

    Not the jobs we wanted Dallas just received the news that we’re getting 140-odd new job openings over at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The bad news is that they’re in the department that reviews bank...

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