
  • Iraqis condemn U.S. colonialism

    Iraqis condemn U.S. colonialism

    August 31, 2007 By Susan Webb

    President Bush plans to ask Congress for $50 billion this month to continue funding the Iraq war, the Washington Post reports. But meanwhile, Iraqi Communists charge, “The Americans are doing everything they can to prevent Iraqis...

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  • A must-see play, union-made

    A must-see play, union-made

    August 24, 2007

    THEATER REVIEW Buried: The Sago Mine Disaster Written by Jerry Starr Music by Anne Feeney Directed by Dale Morris I recently attended a reading of “Buried: The Sago Mine Disaster” as part of the San Diego...

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  • Murders fuel anti-immigrant tirades

    Murders fuel anti-immigrant tirades

    August 24, 2007

    On Aug. 4, four African American Delaware State University students, Dashon Harvey, Iofemi Hightower, Terrance Aeriel and his sister, Natasha Aeriel, were shot execution-style in a Newark, N.J., elementary schoolyard. Only Natasha survived. Newark Mayor Cory...

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  • Key civil liberties case on trial

    Key civil liberties case on trial

    August 24, 2007

    DALLAS — One of the most important civil liberties trials in recent times has been under way here since July 26. Each day, government prosecutors inundate the jury with evidence of the Holy Land Foundation’s involvement...

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  • UN says Gaza Strip facing economic collapse

    UN says Gaza Strip facing economic collapse

    August 17, 2007

    UNITED NATIONS — The Gaza Strip is in danger of a general economic collapse, said a high level UN official, unless Karni crossing, the main point of entry for commercial goods into the territory, is reopened...

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