February 16, 2007FORT LEWIS, Wash: Mistrial in Watada case The court-martial of the first Army officer to refuse to go to Iraq because he felt the war was illegal ended in a mistrial, Feb. 7. Last June, Lt....
Read moreCharges vs. Iran recall pre-Iraq-war hysteria
February 16, 2007The danger of a U.S. attack on Iran appears to be mounting following a series of increasingly aggressive Bush administration actions.
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February 9, 2007Support Agustin Aguayo At the rally for Lt. Watada, I heard both the wife and mother of war resister Agustin Aguayo speak. It was really moving. His wife asked that we ask everyone we know to...
February 9, 2007RICHMOND, Va.: Immigrant workers protest state crackdown Carrying signs reading “No human being is illegal,” undocumented workers and immigrant rights activists marched on the state General Assembly, Feb. 3, to halt a spate of legislation targeting...
Read moreJudge declares mistrial on Watada case
February 8, 2007FORT LEWIS, Wash. (AP) - The judge overseeing the court martial of an Army lieutenant who refused to deploy to Iraq declared a mistrial Wednesday, saying the soldier did not fully understand a document he signed...
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