
  • Activists form Venezuela solidarity network

    Activists form Venezuela solidarity network

    March 17, 2006

    WASHINGTON — Greeting almost 500 people at a national Venezuela solidarity conference held here March 4, Venezuelan Ambassador Bernardo Alvarez set a tone for new beginnings. “Hugo Chávez is not an accident,” he said. “What you...

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  • Peace groups to Congress: Open up debate on Iraq

    Peace groups to Congress: Open up debate on Iraq

    March 17, 2006 By Susan Webb

    National peace organizations are pressing Congress to open up debate on getting the U.S. out of Iraq. With Bush insisting on “staying the course” and “not believable any more,” Congress is “the only body left to...

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  • A veterans account: Gulf Coast march for peace, justice

    A veterans account: Gulf Coast march for peace, justice

    March 17, 2006

    MOBILE, Ala. — I joined more than 150 Iraq war veterans, Vets for Peace and Gold Star parents together with Hurricane Katrina survivors beginning a 138-mile march from here to New Orleans, March 14. They accused...

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  • Ending Iraq war is local election issue

    Ending Iraq war is local election issue

    March 10, 2006

    CHICAGO — They say all politics is local. Although the Iraq war policy is played out on a federal level, the war spending and lives lost come back to a local level here. Alderman Ricardo Munoz...

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  • Refinery workers take up collection for Iraqi child

    Refinery workers take up collection for Iraqi child

    March 10, 2006

    Sarah, the oldest daughter of Emad Mohsin Jafar, a leader of Iraq’s oil workers union, was burned during a bombing in the first Gulf War, and needs reconstructive surgery. To help Sarah, oil workers at Conoco...

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