
  • U.S. exporting tools of torture

    U.S. exporting tools of torture

    December 12, 2003

    The Bush administration and big business interests are colluding in the sale of “tools of torture,” according to an Amnesty International report titled “The Pain Merchants” released on Dec. 2. The report focuses on the export...

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  • Venezuela: Referendum provokes new crisis

    Venezuela: Referendum provokes new crisis

    December 12, 2003

    Once again Venezuela draws all the attention in Latin America’s evolving scene with the development of a new political crisis. This time it is due to the announced “success” in collecting signatures calling for a voter...

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  • Religious leaders launch voter drive

    Religious leaders launch voter drive

    December 12, 2003

    MILWAUKEE – A progressive Christian organizing institute, the Gamaliel Foundation, held its National Leadership Assembly here Dec. 4-6, kicking off campaigns for voter registration and education, immigrant rights, metro-suburban equity, and drug treatment as an alternative...

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  • Bush policies provoke city budget crisis

    Bush policies provoke city budget crisis

    December 12, 2003

    CLEVELAND – Over 725 city government employees here, including 430 safety force workers, were given layoff notices Dec. 5 as the city faces a $61 million deficit in its general fund. The job cuts, amounting to...

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  • Workers rights are human rights

    Workers rights are human rights

    December 12, 2003

    On Human Rights Day, 2003 WASHINGTON – Chanting “Workers’ rights are human rights,” more than 1,000 union workers rallied in front of the U.S. Labor Department Dec. 10. The multiracial crowd wore union caps and jackets...

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