
  • Detroit Walk to Freedom

    Detroit Walk to Freedom

    July 4, 2003

    DETROIT – Several thousand people marched in downtown Detroit on June 28 to commemorate “The Walk to Freedom” march held in July of 1963. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, led the first march in anticipation of...

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  • United for Peace and Justice!

    United for Peace and Justice!

    June 19, 2003

    News Analysis Hundreds of delegates representing 325 local and national peace groups converged on Chicago June 6-8, 2003, for the first national strategy conference of United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ). UFPJ was founded seven months...

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  • Over one million march in Havana

    Over one million march in Havana

    June 19, 2003

    The Cuban capital awoke at the crack of dawn, June 12, with more than one million people marching on the embassies of Spain and Italy in condemnation of the recent European Union (EU) diplomatic sanctions against...

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  • The Rosenbergs and the fight for democracy

    The Rosenbergs and the fight for democracy

    June 13, 2003

    Opinion Fifty years ago I was among thousands camped at the Washington Monument waiting to hear the outcome of the final appeal to President Eisenhower to spare the lives of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. When the...

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  • June 19, 1953: The murder of the Rosenbergs

    June 19, 1953: The murder of the Rosenbergs

    June 13, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    Think back to the political climate of the early 1950s: Senator Joseph McCarthy on the prowl. Alger Hiss convicted of “losing China.” Eleven leaders of the Communist Party convicted of “conspiracy to teach and advocate the...

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