
  • End the Cuban embargo, congressman says

    End the Cuban embargo, congressman says

    April 18, 2009

    CHICAGO – Nearly 100 people gathered at the Adalberto United Methodist Church April 14, on the city’s north side, to hear Congressman Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill.) debrief on his recent trip to Cuba. Leaders from Chicago’s...

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  • India’s polls and South Asian peace

    India’s polls and South Asian peace

    April 17, 2009

    Original source: 'Just as the winds of change have swept across the United States, I have no doubt that India too will witness change when the next parliamentary elections take place in a few months.' Thus...

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  • Charting the path to a nuke-free world

    Charting the path to a nuke-free world

    April 14, 2009

    Just days after Barack Obama pledged, during his first international trip as president, that the U.S. will “seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons,” six U.S. environmental and nuclear policy organizations issued...

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  • Letter from a soldiers mother: The war is not over

    Letter from a soldiers mother: The war is not over

    April 12, 2009

    I was standing in line at the bank when I heard a customer ask the teller if her son was home from Iraq. The teller responded that he was not home in her house, but he...

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  • Ive Always Paid My Taxes

    Ive Always Paid My Taxes

    April 11, 2009

    Lyrics by Santa Cruz WILPF Raging Grannies; adapted by Sunny Armer of the NYC Metro RGs Tune: The Yellow Rose of Texas I’ve always paid my taxes, I paid them right on time, I never even...

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