
  • To end Iraq war, people power organizes

    To end Iraq war, people power organizes

    September 21, 2007 By Susan Webb

    CHICAGO — Last fall 800,000 Chicagoans voted to bring our troops home from Iraq, but only 20,000 turn out for demonstrations or other actions, said longtime peace activist and organizer Carl Davidson. The referendum, like numerous...

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  • Stop the air war, too

    Stop the air war, too

    September 14, 2007

    “The Air Force … takes a long view: Many expect the Army to draw down its Iraq forces by 2009, but the Air Force is planning for a continued conflict in which it supports Iraqi troops.”...

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  • EDITORIAL: Safe skies? Not with nukes

    EDITORIAL: Safe skies? Not with nukes

    September 14, 2007

    Ever since the Cold War ended, successive U.S. administrations have warned repeatedly about the dangers of unsecured nuclear weapons. But just before Labor Day an incident occurred which calls into question the kind of security the...

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  • Bottom line: occupation is the problem

    Bottom line: occupation is the problem

    September 14, 2007

    News Analysis Gen. David Petraeus’ testimony to Congress was long-awaited. Many moderate Republicans who claim to be uncomfortable with President Bush’s ongoing Iraq war policy insisted on waiting for Petraeus’ September report rather than making “rash”...

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  • U.S. war profiteers steal billions

    U.S. war profiteers steal billions

    September 7, 2007

    Government officials have admitted that American companies are paying millions of dollars in bribes to military officers to win billions in contracts for work in Iraq, according to numerous press reports last week. This is only...

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