
  • EDITORIAL: Doing what it takes

    EDITORIAL: Doing what it takes

    January 26, 2007

    In November, millions of union members and their families marched to the polls and dumped the anti-worker, pro-war Congress, the first step toward stomping out the Bush regime. In addition to their union cards, many have...

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  • Tudeh Party condemns Bush threats

    Tudeh Party condemns Bush threats

    January 26, 2007

    Iran’s Tudeh (Communist) Party has assailed the Bush administration’s increasingly aggressive posture toward Iran, calling a “provocative” U.S. raid on an Iranian government office in Iraq and threats issued by President Bush and Secretary of State...

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  • Labor steps up for antiwar action

    Labor steps up for antiwar action

    January 26, 2007

    Worker's Correspondence Organized labor played a key role in preparations for the Jan. 27 Washington antiwar march. Over the past three years, labor bodies at the national, regional and local level have become increasingly outspoken on...

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  • Antiwar GI stands firm

    Antiwar GI stands firm

    January 26, 2007

    As the Feb. 5 date for his court martial approaches, Army First Lieutenant Ehren Watada continues his outspoken opposition to the war in Iraq. Speaking Jan. 23 on Democracy Now, Watada recalled that as he studied...

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  • Bring em home: Veterans, lawmakers, unionists, women tell Bush to listen up

    Bring em home: Veterans, lawmakers, unionists, women tell Bush to listen up

    January 26, 2007

    WASHINGTON — Determined to stand with the American people, Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.) and leaders of the antiwar movement blasted President Bush for refusing in his State of the Union speech Jan. 23 to heed the...

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