
  • Letter to President George W. Bush opposing the surge

    Letter to President George W. Bush opposing the surge

    January 8, 2007 By Harry Reid And Nancy Pelosi

    The start of the new Congress brings us opportunities to work together on the critical issues confronting our country. No issue is more important than finding an end to the war in Iraq.

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  • EDITORIAL: A fresh start is needed

    EDITORIAL: A fresh start is needed

    December 22, 2006

    The New Year is our time for high hopes and fresh starts. But 2007 begins with America’s conscience dragging behind us over half a million corpses from the Bush invasion and occupation in Iraq. The web...

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  • California activists assail Bombplex plan

    California activists assail Bombplex plan

    December 22, 2006

    LIVERMORE, Calif. — Peace and community activists lined up at the microphone Dec. 12 to charge that the Department of Energy’s new plans for the U.S. nuclear arsenal would boost nuclear weaponry to a level not...

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  • Gaza journalist spotlights crimes of Israeli occupation

    Gaza journalist spotlights crimes of Israeli occupation

    December 15, 2006

    NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — “You can get a phone call with a recorded message in a broken Arabic language … ‘Evacuate your house, we are coming to destroy it,’” said Mohammed Omer. Omer, a 22-year-old journalist...

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  • Labor against war meets in Cleveland

    Labor against war meets in Cleveland

    December 15, 2006

    CLEVELAND — “Just look at how far we’ve come in just three years,” remarked Gene Bruskin, co-convener of U.S. Labor Against the War, to hundreds of union representatives at the opening of the group’s annual conference...

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