
  • Calif. healthcare reform: A winding road

    Calif. healthcare reform: A winding road

    December 28, 2007

    The year 2007 has seen continual back-and-forth between California’s Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the heads of the Democrat-led state legislature over what to do about nearly 7 million Californians who lack health coverage at least...

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  • A day of work at UPS

    A day of work at UPS

    December 28, 2007

    Pages from workers’ lives I am one of the many young people who work at UPS. As you probably all know, UPS is one of the world’s largest package delivery companies, delivering 15 million packages a...

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  • Unionists brainstorm on international organizing

    Unionists brainstorm on international organizing

    December 28, 2007

    SILVER SPRING, Md. (PAI) —More than 200 union activists from 63 nations worldwide—everywhere from Azerbaijan to Britain, Fiji, Russia, the U.S. and Venezuela—brainstormed for two days on ways of international organizing and cooperation. And when they...

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  • Civil liberties, civil rights most censored in 2007

    Civil liberties, civil rights most censored in 2007

    December 28, 2007

    The U.S. corporate media like to think of themselves as providing the official most accurate news reporting of the day. The New York Times motto of “all the news that’s fit to print” is a clear...

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  • Help get stamps for Mother Jones and Eugene Debs

    Help get stamps for Mother Jones and Eugene Debs

    December 28, 2007

    The West Virginia Labor History Association board urges you to support a nationwide campaign petitioning the U.S. Postal Service to create commemorate stamps in honor of two American labor leaders, Mother Jones and Eugene Debs. The...

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