Peace starts with ending occupation
April 19, 2002EAST JERUSALEM – Last night, April 16, helicopters were heard overhead as Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) entered neighborhoods here and curfews continued in Ramallah and Bethlehem. Heavy shelling near the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem...
Read morePWW journalist heads to Mideast eyewitness coverage of occupation of Palestine
April 18, 2002Judith Le Blanc, vice chairwoman of the Communist Party USA and correspondent for the People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo, left April 14 for a two week tour of the Middle East and the Occupied Territories. Le Blanc...
Read moreSolidarity paves the way for new union gains at Yale
April 12, 2002“We will cross the finish line together.” These words of Rev. Emilio Hernandez, delivered to a standing ovation at a packed union-neighborhood meeting, are reverberating throughout the city. “We will not lose our vision of better...
Read moreThe unemployment picture: No light at the end of the tunnel
April 12, 2002A month ago, when the unemployment rate declined slightly for the second consecutive month, media headlines trumpeted the end of the recession. This month, both the rate and number of unemployed rose again, more than wiping...
Read moreIsraeli peace movement grows
April 12, 2002TEL AVIV – Although a majority of Israelis support Sharon’s “Lebanon War II,” the peace camp is gathering increasing strength. A recent poll showed over 70 percent of Israelis supporting the withdrawal of Jewish settlements in...
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