
  • Are Enron executives sociopaths?

    Are Enron executives sociopaths?

    March 8, 2002

    What do Bugsy Siegel and Al Capone have in common with Kenneth Lay and his Enron buddies Jeff Skilling and Andy Fastow, and why is it that the more I read about Lay & Co., the...

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  • Dancers with dreams

    Dancers with dreams

    March 8, 2002 By Evelina Alarcon

    EW YORK – On Friday, March 15th at 7:30 p.m., the YAI Players, a performance troupe consisting of people with disabilities, in collaboration with the Theater of Dreams and The Berkeley Carroll School will perform God...

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  • Buffalo Creek disaster: A crime by any other name

    Buffalo Creek disaster: A crime by any other name

    March 8, 2002

    Jeffrey Reiman, in The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison points out that when coal companies intentionally design disasters, these intentional acts are called an “accident” or a “tragedy.” The label “mass murder” is...

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  • War on terrorism spreads to Philippines

    War on terrorism spreads to Philippines

    March 8, 2002

    The injection of U.S. combat troops into the Philippines, ostensibly to train the Philippine army in a minor conflict with a small rebel Muslim group, is meeting with broad opposition from Filipino people. They condemn it...

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  • Theres work at the retread shop

    Theres work at the retread shop

    March 8, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    Always one to follow Daddy’s example, George Bush the Appointed has given a host of Bush Sr. retreads a number of prominent posts in his administration.

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